Company Profile

Company Information

Company Name Asahi Seiko
Address Kozuya Ishinoto 79, Yawata-city, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan
President Tetsu Shiraishi
Capital Stock 8,000,000 JPY
Establishment Year November 26th, 2008
Employee number 6
Business NC Lathe, Machining
Preicision machining, Resin treatment
Several welding, Secondary processing
Bank The Kyoto Shinkin Bank
The Bank of Kyoto
The Kyoto Chuo Shinkin Bank



November 2008 Established in Uji-city, Kyoto Prefecture.
November 2013 Established factory of welding and metal procession in Yawata-city, Kyoto Prefecture aid for expansion of business.
May 2015 Moved main factory to current address.